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    Mazatlan Real Estate - Mazatlan Beaches

                Click on the Images for view the gallery
Olas Altas
Playa Norte
Malecon/Av del Mar
Malecon/Av del Mar
Malecon/Av del Mar
Golden Zone
Golden Zone
Nuevo Mazatlan
Playa Bruja
Playa Bruja
Playa Bruja
Playa Bruja
Playa Bruja

2009-11-15 16:58:13
  Mazatlan Beaches

   It"s quiet on the beaches right now. The snow birds are just starting to return and with the hot summer behind us, the nationals are not swarming to the playa to cool down-tranquilo! As winter nears up north orologi replica, I thought it only appropriate to give you a taste of what you"ll see on your next visit to MZT. I started at the southern point of Olas Altas and continued north to Cerritos at the base of Emerald Bay (approx. 15 miles). I finished up with a few photos of Playa Bruja, my favorite beach/hangout in town.The waves have changed over the last couple weeks, pounding the beaches and creating a different terrain. Check it out amigos, I"m saving you a spot in the sand.......Hasta pronto

Contact "Mazatlan Real Estate Guide" today for professional service:

  Rex Chambers      
USA: (360)-539-1808
Mexico: 044-669-163-6837

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